Care Danmark

Financial Project Controller


CARE Denmark is looking for an experienced and skilled colleague to join the Finance Department. You have extensive work experience in controlling and financial compliance related to institutional donors and funds. You have a special ability to reduce complexity and communicate complex information to others. You are eager to deliver quality on time, take ownership, involve stakeholders, and steer steadily towards the goal. And you want to be part of a work environment full of dedicated colleagues and partners.

We need you to lead quarterly project financial follow up processes, project audits and quality assure financial reports, mainly for Humanitarian portfolio in Middle East, Ukraine, Afghanistan and development portfolios in Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Bangladesh and Laos. You will work closely with colleagues in international department, with donors and finance staff at our country offices. You will join 7 capable colleagues in CARE’s Finance Department.

Location: Open with preference in Copenhagen, Denmark

You will be spending most of your time:

  • Preparing project proposal budgets, project accounts and decision basis for project managers and country offices in connection with ongoing and upcoming projects.
  • Leading quarterly processes for donor projects, including ensuring ongoing budget monitoring on projects, performing quality control of accounts from country offices and partners, and managing transfers to the countries.
  • Organizing and quality assuring procedures and guidelines in relation to the financial management of projects.
  • Participating in the development of test of new systems and processes.
  • Coordinating and managing financial compliance tasks in relation to donors' project accounts and Statements to donors, consolidate and report to donors.
  • Leading audit of project accounts in Denmark and contributing with project financial information in other audits.
  • Guiding and planning training for colleagues at country offices in relation to donor guidelines.
  • Contributing to internal reporting of financial data.

You will have the opportunity to see the results of your labor when visiting partners abroad. You should expect between 4-5 weeks per year distributed over 3-4 trips.

We imagine that you:

Thrive in an international, multicultural organization with many stakeholders and come with a desire to learn more and a toolkit with experience within compliance, accounting, and controlling.

  • You approach tasks with curiosity and have experience with controlling, budgeting and auditing of donor projects.
  • You have experience with handling Danida and EU funding.
  • You have experience with compliance tasks.
  • You have had a similar position in an international organization or have worked in a country program.
  • You are business-minded and used to working with KPIs and financial key figures for use in program management and/or management information.
  • You are a team player who takes responsibility for your tasks and ensures they are followed through.
  • You write and speak English at business level – Danish and French is an advantage.

What we offer:

You will join a finance department with a huge impact on the business. Your colleagues and partners value you and your work. We have a good lunch arrangement and all the coffee you can drink. We have flexible working hours with the possibility of working from home.

On Thursdays, we meet across departments and professional boundaries for a morning meeting, where we share knowledge, eat breakfast and sing a song. We are ambitious, share ideas and work together across departments, so we can create the best solutions.

Who we are:

CARE is a green development and emergency relief organization that globally supports the world's poorest and most climate-exposed people in creating a good and decent life. With climate adaptation, education, acute emergency relief, and aid to self-help, we presence before, during, and after the disaster. Through sustainable solutions with both local organizations and large companies, we create a green and fair world for all.

CARE Denmark is part of CARE International, which with its presence in 93 countries is one of the world's largest humanitarian organizations.

Please upload your application via the ‘Apply Now’ button as soon as possible and no later than August 7th, 2024.

If you have questions about the position, you are welcome to contact Finance Director, Giorgi Vadachkoria

If you have questions about the recruitment process, you are welcome to contact HR Manager, Anna Rie Tornbak at 

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  • Verdens Skove
  • Dansk Blindesamfund
  • KLF, Kirke og Medier
  • DFOI
  • Israelmissionen
  • Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke
  • Depressionsforeningen
  • Miljøbevægelsen NOAH
  • Dansk Vegetarisk Forening
  • kfum kfuk
  • ADHD
  • Danmarks Naturfredningsforening
  • Mission Uden Grænser
  • Childrens Mission
  • BørnSulter
  • Ronald McRonald McDonald
  • SMIL Fonden
  • Epilepsiforeningen
  • Silkeborg Oasekirke
  • Fugleværnsfonden
  • KIT - Kirkenes Integrationstjeneste
  • FANT - Football for a New Tomorrow
  • Care Danmark
  • YWAM Logo
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  • KFUM's Soldatermission i Danmark
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  • Dansk Bibel-Institut
  • KFUM's Sociale Arbejde
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  • Parasport Danmark
  • Brødremenighedens Danske Mission
  • Human Practice Foundation
  • Ventilen Danmark
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  • Den Danske Naturfond
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  • CareForOthers
  • Amnesty International
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  • Brystkræftforeningen
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  • KFUK's Sociale Arbejde
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  • LyLe (Patientforeningen Lymfekræft og Leukæmi)
  • New Life Outreach (NLO)
  • Det Kærlige Måltid
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  • børns vilkår
  • hjernesagen
  • Apostolsk Kirke
  • Foreningen spiseforstyrrelser og selvskade
  • DFS
  • Thin Blue line Denmark
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  • DBU
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  • Danmission
  • Norea Mediemission
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  • Kvisten
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  • Foreningen Roskilde Festival
  • BIbellæser-Ringen i Danmark
  • Røde Kors
  • Kofoeds Skole
  • Bibelselskabet
  • Dansk Oase
  • Sankt Lukas Stiftelsen
  • Mejerifolk uden Grænser
  • Alzheimerforeningen_logo
  • Dansk Europamission
  • Børne cancer fonden
  • Baptistkirken
  • Soroptimist International Danmark
  • Colitis-Crohn Foreningen
  • folkekirkens nødhjælp
  • Danske Hospitalsklovne
  • ZOO
  • Café Exit
  • Endometriose Foreningen
  • Metodistkirken i Danmark
  • Dansk Ornitologisk Forening
  • LøkkeFonden
  • Landsforeningen Bedre Psykiatri
  • Børns Voksenvenner
  • Aktion Børnehjælp
  • MM
  • Danske Kirkers Råd
  • Sex & Samfund
  • FDF, Frivilligt Drenge- og Pige Forbund
  • Mission Øst
  • Make a Wish - Ønskefonden
  • STH - Servicehunde til handicappede
  • Børneulykkesfonden
  • Danish International Adoption
  • Agape (Foreningen Agape)
  • Nyreforeningen
  • Lungeforeningen
  • Operation Mission
  • Sømandsmissionen
  • Viva Danmark
  • Menighedsfakultetet
  • DRC Dansk Flygtningehjælp
  • Indre Mission
  • Hjerteforeningen
  • Y's Men Region
  • AsmaAllergiDanmark
  • Landsforeningen LEV
  • Dansk Vietnamesisk Forening
  • Danmarks Veteraner
  • TværkultureltCenter
  • Ungdommens Røde Kors
  • For Lige Vilkår
  • Sølund Musikfestival
  • AMIS
  • mercy ships
  • World Animal Protection Danmark
  • CoolUnite Fonden
  • Frelsens hær
  • Terre Des Hommes
  • Red Barnet
  • Vedvarende Energi
  • Rådet For Grøn Omstilling
  • Dannerhuset
  • TUG - Tandsundhed Uden Grænser
  • Dansk Missionsråd
  • Børnehjælpsdagen
  • GirlTalk
  • Intact Denmark
  • PsykiatriFonden
  • Gotvedinstituttet
  • WWF Verdensnaturfonden
  • Autismeforeningen
  • Kristeligt forbund for Studerende
  • Dansk Armeniermission
  • UFF Humana
  • ADRA Danmark
  • Dansk Folkehjælp
  • Areopagos
  • Gigtforeningen
  • Den Kristne Internationale Ambassade i Jerusalem
  • Scleroseforeningen
  • Blå Kors
  • NF Danmark
  • UNICEF Danmark
  • Foreningen Grønlandske Børn
  • Børn og Tro
  • Københavnerkirken
  • Pindsvinevennerne i Danmark
  • MAF
  • Open Doors Denmark
  • SIND
  • Organdonation - Ja tak!
  • Red Orangutangen (Orangotang fonden)
  • Growing Trees Network Foundation
  • Forælder Fonden
  • Aids fondet
  • Refugees welcome
  • Ghana Venskab
  • Den Katolske Kirke i Danmark
  • Syvende Dags Adventistkirken
  • Land of Hope
  • Dyreværnet - Værn for Værgeløse Dyr
  • TrygFondens Familiehus
  • Broen Danmark
  • LittleBigHelp
  • ImpactChurch
  • MSF logoNY
  • Plastic Change
  • Mission Afrika
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  • Ældre Sagen
  • Anima
  • caritas
  • Danske Seniorer
  • IMS
  • Herlufsholm Skole og Gods
  • Bevar Ukraine
  • Evangelisk Luthersk Missionsforening
  • Luthersk Mission
  • Øjenforeningen, Værn om synet
  • RescueTeam
  • Emmaus fonden
  • parkinsonsforeningen
  • Det Danske Spejderkorps
  • BørneBasketFonden
  • Prostatakræftforeningen PROPA
  • OvaCure
  • Mødrehjælpen
  • Hjælp Din Næste
  • FrikirkeNet
  • Morgen Caféen (Fonden Morgencafé for hjemløse)
  • Missionsfonden
  • Diabetesforeningen
  • BHCF
  • Spedalskhedsmissionen
  • Dansk Balkan Mission
  • The Why Foundation
  • MOSAIK (Pinsekirkerne i Danmark)
  • Bryd Tavsheden
  • Evangelisk Frikirke Danmark
  • Børnenes Kontor, København
  • Aktive kristnes Omsorgsarbejde (AKO Danmark)
  • Oxfam Danmark
  • AgapeIndien
  • PlanBørnefonden
  • Danske Sømands- og udlandskirker